
Head office
38-B Velyka Vasylkivska st.,
office 20,
Kyiv, 01024, Ukraine

Contacts of responsible specialists

Certification of Crop Production, Seeds and Planting Material, Mushroom Cultivation, Trading Activity, Import and Export

Vira Pasatska

Deputy Head of Certification Department, Leading Certification Specialist

Certification of Processed Food Production, Feed Production, Trading Activity, Import and Export

Olena Manziuk

Deputy Head of Certification Department, Senior Certification Specialist

Certification of Wild Collection, Trading Activity, Import and Export, ISCC standards

Vasyl Shukalovych

Senior Sertification Specialist

Certification of Livestock Farming, Poultry Farming, Aquaculture and Seaweed Production

Olha Akulova

Senior Certification Specialist

Certification of Beekeeping

Oleksandr Gera

Senior Certification Specialist

Certification of Inputs (plant protection products, fertilizers, etc.)

Ivan Gavran

Senior Certification Specialist

Certification according to the Donau Soja and Europe Soya, ISCC standards

Larysa Plaksiuk

Senior Certification Specialist