Organic Industry Handbooks and Catalogs
The experts at Organic Standard are leading specialists in the field, with a wide range of knowledge in organic production. Our experts are members of expert working groups, including those involved in developing organic production at the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and various target groups of the European Organic Certifiers Council (EOCC).
In collaboration with our partners, we also create valuable market products through our expertise, including:

List of Inputs and Methods Permitted for Use in Organic Production In Ukrainian
List of Inputs and Methods Permitted for Use in Organic Production considers the requirements of the organic standards of the European Union and highlights the main products that can be used in the organic production of agricultural and food products, including their general features.

Handbook of Organic Production and Market Consultants In Ukrainian
Handbook of Organic Production and Market Consultants provides information about key consultants and organizations in the field of organic production and the organic market in Ukraine.

Catalogue of Ukrainian organic exporters
The catalog contains up-to-date information about exporters of Ukrainian organic products and is regularly updated. The publication was developed by the Entrepreneurship and Export Promotion Office of Ukraine in cooperation with Organic Standard certification body.

Practical Guide for Organic Exporters to the EU In Ukrainian
This guide was created to provide Ukrainian producers and traders of organic products with up-to-date information regarding their export to EU countries.

I can export organic. Market Overview and Regulation of Organic Goods in Canada In Ukrainian
The purpose of this overview is to monitor the current trends in the Canadian organic goods trade and provide clear insights into the regulatory requirements in this sector. Its goal is to help Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises identify potential export opportunities. The overview was prepared by the Canada-Ukraine Trade and Investment Support (CUTIS) Project in close collaboration with the Organic Standard certification body.

Guidelines to the Risk Management During Post Harvesting, Storing and Transportation of Organic Commodities
The guidelines aim to assist organic operators engaged in producing and exporting organic products in identifying and effectively managing risk factors that may arise during the storage, transportation, and post-harvest processing of organic agricultural products.

Research on the Organic Market of Ukraine 2019-2020 In Ukrainian
The study of the Ukrainian organic market during 2019-2020 was carried out through collaboration between Organic Standard and OrganicInfo and supported by Switzerland as part of the Swiss-Ukrainian Program “Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and Dairy Sector in Ukraine.” This program was i is implemented under the leadership of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL, Switzerland) together with SAFOSO, a Swiss consulting company for safe food from healthy animals. For more information, please visit