Organic Legislation of Ukraine
This standard provides access to the following markets:
Ukraine. Moreover, it is mandatory to comply with this requirement, as it serves as the foundation for using the term 'organic' in product labeling within the country.
Information about the standard:
Organic legislation in Ukraine is represented by a series of regulatory documents. There are several key ones, including:
- Law of Ukraine No. 2496-VIII “On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic Production, Circulation and Labeling of Organic Products”;
- Order No. 67 "On Approval of the State Logo for Organic Products" by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy dated February 22, 2019;
- "Order (Detailed Rules) of Organic Production and Circulation of Organic Products", approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 970 dated October 23, 2019;
- "List of Substances (Ingredients, Components) Which are Allowed in the Organic Production and Allowed in Maximum Allowable Quantities", approved by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine (Order No. 1073 dated June 9, 2020).
These regulatory documents provide detailed requirements for organic production in various categories, including crop production, animal husbandry, aquaculture, processed food, and feed. Certification under this standard enables operators to produce and trade their organic products in the Ukrainian market, using the Ukrainian organic label on the packaging.
Organic Standard is accredited by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine to conduct inspection and certification activities in accordance with this standard and is included in the National Register of the Certification Bodies in Organic Production and Circulation of Organic Products of Ukraine.
The registration code of Organic Standard as a certification body following Ukrainian legislation for products of Ukrainian origin is UA-ORGANIC-001.

Certificate of Accreditation
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List of documents that the Operator must submit to the certification body
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Brand Book
Regarding the use of the Organic Standard trademark.
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