Donau Soja (DS) and Europe Soya (ES)
This standard provides access to the following markets:
EU for soy (and not only) without GMOs.
Information about the standard:
The Donau Soja Association is an international non-profit organization established in 2012 to promote the production of high-quality non-GMO soybeans throughout Europe.
Currently, it unites over 175 members from all over Europe. The headquarters of the Donau Soja Association is located in Vienna; its regional offices are in Novi Sad (Serbia) and Bucharest (Romania). The Association also has a representation in Ukraine.
The Donau Soja standard limits the cultivation of soybeans to the Danube River Basin, primarily the western and central parts of Ukraine.
The Donau Soja Association has also introduced the Europe Soya quality programme. For certification under the Europe Soya Guidelines, the origin of soybeans is not limited to the Danube River Basin but can come from all over Europe, including all regions of Ukraine.
Since 2014, Organic Standard has been recognized by the Danube Soya Association to conduct inspection and certification activities for non-GMO soybean producers.

List of documents that the Operator must submit to the certification body
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Brand Book
Regarding the use of the Organic Standard trademark.
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